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AnimeNews Concept Website

This website serves as a news aggregator site for topics relating to anime and culture. I also offers a blog, reaction videos, and episode reviews in podcast format.

News Webiste and Blog
Tools and Skills
basic JavaScript


  1. First, after brainstorming which products this website would offer, I sketched out a simple interface to determine initial placement of assets.

Anime News Site Wireframe ideas.png

2. After more brainstorming, I created more wireframes to develop the skeletal structure
for desktop/tablet screen.

New Wireframe 1.png

3. More iterations

New Wireframe 2_edited.jpg

4. After the above desktop wireframe was settled on, the mobile screen was developed.

New Wireframe 3_edited.jpg


  1. Subsequent to using Balsamiq to create lo-fi wireframes, I use Figma to graduate to 
    high fidelity mockups. Below is the a version depicting desktop screen. Hover cursor over laptop screen to scroll. Use pagination arrows to swipe through. Or Fullscreen to arrows to enlarge.

Frame 1 (5).png
Frame 2 (2).png

2. View mobile mockup

iPhone 13 & 14 - 1.png
iPhone 13 & 14 - 2.png
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